Anna Paquin measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Anna Paquin (n e Paquin) is a New Zealand-Canadian actress and actress. Though she never had any intention to become an actor however, destiny arranged it. Following her success, she was approached by several companies, however she refused the opportunity to further her studies. In 2000, she portrayed Rogue in X-Menthe very first film in the The X-Men film series. Her role in the film brought the actress worldwide recognition. The actress reprised her role as Roguein sequels like X2 and X-Men The Final Stand.She also made small screen appearances notably as Elaine Goodalein in Bury My Heart at Wounded Kneefor which she was awarded her first Emmynomination. When she began doing TV shows and received an influx of requests. |
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