Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia has won realworldcasting.com. The spot she was given on the competition was securing by her faithful group of friends. They worked hard with Ayiiia in order to make her successful. Ayiiia is of Mexican ancestry and is fluently bilingual in Spanish however this is the first time she's been to Mexico over a long period of time. She is a talker. It's not unusual for her to be violent in her behavior, causing discord among the members of her home. Then she realizes that living in the Real World home is much more difficult than she imagined. Ayiiia was a frequent participant in a lengthy history of partying and using substances. Ayiiia will not forgive anyone, even though she claims to love her and not be judgmental. Ayiiia experienced a lengthy relationship with another women. The couple was looking for a house in San Diego before the reunion. In the course of the reunion, it was revealed that her and Jonna were not close due to issues they had with each other during the filming.

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